Malicious Crash at Brazilian Critical Mass

Cyclists around the world have been gathering on the last Friday night of the month for years, in an event that is called Critical Mass. On Friday night an angry motorist mowed down a group of about 150 people on bicycles riding for Critical Mass in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The motorist accelerated his vehicle directly through the group of riders, injuring about 20 riders and sending 8 victims to the hospital ER with at least one victim still remaining hospitalized in serious condition.

This callous cold blooded attempted murder hasn’t seemed to make the news outside of Brazil, so here are some quotes translated from Brazil news agencies:
From the YouTube video:
"I am here at the Critical Mass ride. A car just ran over with the entire critical mass ride. At full speed! A black VW Golf. He hit everybody!! Are you seeing this?!
What a horrible thing... oh my GOD. Someone call the police, call the ambulance
Police! Call the Police!! The Ambulance!
Everyone is scared, son.
A car hit the whole, entire Critical Mass ride!! At full speed.
Voice: What's going on?
This is the most horrible thing I've ever seen! I cannot believe"
Here is a first-hand video showing the Volkswagen Golf ploughing through the group of bicyclists (scroll to 0:52). WARNING: This is an extremely graphic and up-close video of this terrible incident:

According to the latest reports, they are still looking for the driver of the Volkswagen who went into hiding after abandoning his car shortly after the incident.
“The Civil Police expect the driver who ran over at least 20 riders in the Lower City district late on Friday to submit voluntarily next week. The owner of the vehicle involved has been identified.”
Here is a photo of the Volkswagen that was found after the incident:
Upon reaching the corner of Rua Luiz Afonso, the driver of a black Golf, who was driving behind the group since the beginning of the track, would have accelerated, hitting cyclists.
“The car passed by my side, it was a horrible scene.There were people being thrown all sides” - tells the rider.

Here are some videos of the deliberate callous murder attempt by the driver of the Volkswagen (thanks to Tino from Bike Lane Diary):

Here are some other news articles about the incident translated to English:
Sul21 – Group of cyclists is hit in the central region of Porto Alegre
Radio Guaiba – Driver flees after running over cyclists in the Lower City
Verbicide Magazine blog – Tragedy at Critical Mass Bike Ride in Porto Alegre, Brazil